About E-Net

The Civil Society Network for Education Reforms or E-Net Philippines is a network of civil society organizations engaged in policy advocacy and partnerships for education reforms. Since its inception in 2000, at the same time that the Education for All (EFA) movement has revitalized globally, E-Net has been committed to expand and strengthen civil society participation in reforming the Philippine education system and in developing alternative learning systems with special concern for the marginalized, excluded and vulnerable sectors. “Education for All” has been its banner call then, and now as we endeavor to continue the EFA movement in the light of the new Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All.
E-Net Philippines has been the CSO partner of the government in the implementation and monitoring of the Education For All as the Co-Chair of the DepEd in the National EFA Committee during the period of the EFA campaign. The EFA committee was recently renamed to Multi-Stakeholder Committee on SDG4 to align with the implementation and monitoring of SDG4 and the Education 2030.
E-net is a member of the Global Campaign for Education (GPE) and one of the partners of the Civil Society Education Fund project. It is a member of the of the Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) – a regional network 200 civil society organizations and individuals in around 30 countries of the Asia-Pacific promoting the right to quality education and lifelong learning for all.
Our Mission
We commit to expand and strengthen civil society participation in reforming the Philippine education system and in developing alternative learning systems with special concern for the marginalized, excluded and vulnerable sectors.
Our Vision
We envision a Philippine society where quality education is a basic human right, and everyone has access to multi-cultural, gender fair, liberating, life-long education

Our Beginning
Civil society organizations (CSO) have long been at the forefront of education especially in community or popular education which is called by government as non-formal education and/or recently, alternative learning system (ALS). This dedication to education by CSOs is shared by education organizations and movements globally. Thus, it was but fitting that the international agreements signed by several countries in Jomtien, Thailand in 1991 and in Dakar, Senegal in 2000 stressed civil society participation in EFA processes. However, an assessment of the EFA in the Philippines in 1999 revealed that the civil society was allowed very minimal involvement in the first EFA decade (1991-2000). This reality served as the springboard for creation of the E-NET Philippines in a conference in University of the Philippines College of Education in 2000. We were registered with the Security and Exchange Commission as Civil Society Network for Education Reforms in 2002.