E-Net endeavors to continue the EFA movement in the light of the new Sustainable DevelopmentGoal 4 (SDG4) aimed to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”.
Access to Inclusive
and Equitable Quality Education
- A Human Right of Everyone
E-Net advocates for equitable access to quality formal education from pre-primary and kindergarten to tertiary with basic education as compulsory. The coalition has continually raised issues of equity and inclusion of the MEVS – out-of-school youth, persons with disabilities, indigenous learners, Muslims, children and youth in conflict and disaster situations, among others.

Alternative Learning
System and Lifelong
Within the framework of lifelong learning, E-Net advocates for the development of relevant, cultural sensitive, diverse and community-based alternative learning systems in the country to reach out to more marginalized children, youth and adults. It contributes to the creation of policies, standards, curricula and teaching practices to enable the evolution of ALS that is at part with its formal counterpart

Child Protection and Positive Discipline
E-Net engages the process of School Improvement Planning integrating positive discipline and strengthening child protection mechanisms. It is recognized by the Department of Education as one of the main implementers in training parents, teachers, local Child Protection Councils and developing IEC materials in positive discipline and child protection in schools.

Teacher's Rights
and Welfare
E-Net advocates for the rights, welfare and professional development of the teaching sector. It has completed “A Review of the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers: Status of Implementation After 50 Years” to better inform education policy and decision making in upholding teachers’ rights and effect change that can start by fully and correctly implementing the provisions of the teachers’ special law.
Education Financing
and Governance
In consultation with education stakeholders across sectors, E-Net prepares the alternative budget for education to be proposed to education agencies and the legislative in the annual government budget preparations and deliberations. At the local level, E-Net member organizations engage in local budget processes through the Local School Boards and Local Development Councils. E-net supports capacity building of CSOs on education financing through trainings on budget literacy and advocacy.

E-Net closely works with the disability sector in the development of policies and in policy dialogues pushing for enactment of a national law and education policies and programs ensuring that learners with disabilities are provided with quality, inclusive education.
Gender Equality
in Education
E-Net promotes strategies for gender-fair education which goes beyond parity in access and aims for full gender equality. Gender issues are incorporated in all policy discussions around early childhood care and development, formal and non-formal education, education for sustainable development and lifelong learning, and education governance and financing.