E-Net Philippines held a national training to promote inclusive and gender-responsive education policy and budget advocacy.

E-Net Philippines held a national training to promote inclusive and gender-responsive education policy and budget advocacy.
E-Net members underwent a 3-day face-to-face training last June 18-20, which is a part of a 10-month capacity building including practicum to promote education policies and budgets with inclusivity and gender-responsive lens. Learning Conversation with the Bureau of Alternative Education of the Department of Education highlighted this activity.

Inclusive and gender-responsive policies and budgets refer to proper implementation of laws like RA 11510 or Alternative Learning System Act, which guarantee equal access to out-of-youth and adults, children affected in communities in emergency situations and conflicts, people with disabilities, indigenous people and those who reside in the unreached and underserved barangays to avail of systematic, flexible, and appropriate alternative basic education programs outside of the formal school system regardless of gender, gender-orientation and disability. Likewise, substantial budgets should be appropriated and utilized to implement this law and other laws that ensure accessible, safe and quality education for all.