E-Net Philippines National Budget Learning Session

The Civil Society Network for Education Reforms (E-Net Philippines) is a network of Civil Society Organizations engaged in policy advocacy and partnerships for education reforms. E-Net has been committed to reforming the Philippine education system and developing alternative learning systems with special concern for the marginalized, excluded, and vulnerable sectors (MEVS).

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a profound impact on people’s health and well-being, education and learning, livelihood, and the economy, mainly affecting the MEVS. There is a need to address inequity and to strengthen the public education system to cope with the crisis, and prepare for future emergencies. Certainly, all these will require higher and sustained spending for education.

E-Net, as education cluster head within the Social Watch Philippines-Alternative Budget Initiative (ABI), has been formulating yearly ABI proposals for education and pursuing collaboration and engagement with the DepEd and legislators for higher and more equitable education budget and allocations that will address the rights of the marginalized, excluded and vulnerable sectors (MEVS). E-Net engages with education agencies and Congress, putting forward its main call to “Increase Education Financing, Protect Education Budgets and Secure the Right to Education for All!”. It is within this backdrop that E-Net conducted a Budget Learning Session and Writeshop.

The purpose of the learning session is to discuss the following:

1. 2022 education budget for the marginalized, excluded and vulnerable sectors, inclusive education and Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) for teachers and learners.

2. Alternative Budget Initiative (ABI) Budget Tracking: Gains and Losses.

3. Sectors’ Alternative Budget Proposal Writeshop – ABI Education Proposals for 2023.

The session was participated in by E-Net’s National Advocacy Council, National Executive Board and Sectoral Clusters’ members. The Budget Learning Session and Writeshop is the first in a series of activities along the ABI for 2022-2023.

It was an opportunity to discuss about the status of budgeting for education of the MEVS, inclusive education programs and learning continuity plan requirements for teachers and learners (in pandemic and new normal situation), as approved and provided for in the General Appropriations Act 2022, DepEd Budget. In addition, it was an opportunity to unite on specific budget proposals for 2023 to enhance E-Net’s collective action in engaging the legislature.